A Blockchain A-Z of useful articles, explanations and analyses of the key issues, aspects and concerns of blockchain technology and distributed/shared ledgers; and their current and future potential in banking & finance, law, government and commerce.
The Blockchain changes everything
In a matter of months, this word, blockchain, has gone viral on trading floors and in the executive suites of banks and brokerages on both sides of the Atlantic. You can’t attend a finance conference these days without hearing it mentioned on a panel or at a reception or even in the loo. At a recent blockchain confab in London’s hip East End, the host asked if there were any bankers in the room. More than half the audience members, all dressed in suits, raised their hands. Read the full article in Bloomberg Business - October 2015
Blockchain Development Services and Artificial Intelligence Services works in sync to integrate the smart logic into every bit of data. Hyperledger Blockchain Development enables blockchain for businesses in Canada whereas Ethereum Blockchain Platform provides solutions to local communities and global enterprises.
Blockchain Development Services and Artificial Intelligence Services works in sync to integrate the smart logic into every bit of data. Hyperledger Blockchain Development enables blockchain for businesses in Canada whereas Ethereum Blockchain Platform provides solutions to local communities and global enterprises.